To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

Really Geoff!! he could be your twin.🤢  Can’t see the forest for the trees???
George, George of the jungle, watch out for that tree! Go back and finish school, Georgie!
I smoke some good Grapefruit Kush and it sounds amazing even when I take the fuse out!
Have you tried smoking banana peels? You will see Diana Krall in the room.
Just noticed, my moniker was mentioned. Referring back to my first post: while subatomic particles(pick one) have been detected, their paths traced, their mass determined and even some created, "no one has ever been able to actually observe(as in seen, viewed or watched) the ways electrons function." That’s WHY the study of such is called, ’Particle/Quantum/Atomic/etc Theory’. Any scientist should recognize the foolishness, of making(attempted) categorical statements based on theories(ie: Band Gap Theory/QED/Electrical/etc).   I've never met a scientist, that I've found dissuading others from experimenting/learning for themselves.