Even if someone else builds your crossover,it is soldered to the speaker terminals.Practice soldering and find a mentor(maybe a local HAM amateur radio operator) to guide you.If you are going to live in the world of HiFi learn to solder and use a multi meter to check resistance,voltage and UF/PF.and the basic symbols so you can read or draw a schematic.
Any 4th or 5th grade kid can learn these basics and it will save you a lot of time and money through out your life.
There are loads of books and youtube videos to guide you on your way after 3 months you should be ready to tackle the Lore cross over if your serious about learning these basic skills. Go to a HAM swap and look for an older retired guy and just tell him you need help,most of these guys love to help teach someone who wants to learn.Sadly alot of these guys will pass away never getting to teach what took them years to learn,a real loss to everyone.Heat the work not the solder and keep the tip clean! Flux is your friend!
Now get to it!
Any 4th or 5th grade kid can learn these basics and it will save you a lot of time and money through out your life.
There are loads of books and youtube videos to guide you on your way after 3 months you should be ready to tackle the Lore cross over if your serious about learning these basic skills. Go to a HAM swap and look for an older retired guy and just tell him you need help,most of these guys love to help teach someone who wants to learn.Sadly alot of these guys will pass away never getting to teach what took them years to learn,a real loss to everyone.Heat the work not the solder and keep the tip clean! Flux is your friend!
Now get to it!