Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Im breaking in a new Jolida FX tube DAC I searched through my old stock of 12AX7's and rolled some tubes at this point it seems to like the early 90's Ei's.
It is sonicly very similar to the Little Dot DAC 1 and DAC Majic just smoother.
I'm sure it will get even better because both the DAC and tubes are in there 2nd hour.
And the Clarity Cap ESA's take 200 hours to break in alone.
I'm done with system building. It's really far better sounding than it has any right to be at this point.
It is even more clear to me then ever that the Lores can become as revealing as any high end speaker.
After listening to different DAC's both at home and in a Boutique audio store on speakers with much higher price tags,I am even more impressed with the lores than I have ever been before.With so little spent on upgrades these speakers are just to dammed good to be true!

They reached a level that simply is analog as any live performance with the new Jolida FX tube DAC, 0 grain just smooth as silk pajamas and no detail left obscured.
Seriously,what more could you want from any speaker at any price?Sweet highs,a smooth mid range and clean tight deep bass that you can really feel even at very low wattage.
If your on the fence about buying a pair of these speakers,Please allow me to push you over as your not going to do any better than the Lores at any where near the price.
If I haven't said it before "Thank You Eric"
Goramon, I'm thinking of buying a Schiit Bifrost but that Jolida is on my radar as well. How's it w/ supplied tubes and how much would one have to pay for "proper" tubes, and what might they be? (I'm New to tubes.)
12-21-11: Fusion10

1. My room is about 13 x 11 - on the small side. Is the M-Lore too large? I worry because when I tried a pair of Monitor Audio RX2, with the 8" woofer and rear port, it overloaded the room.

May I ask on the placement of the RX2 in the room? How far are the RX2s from the front wall and side walls? I presume the speakers are on the short wall.

The stock tubes sound great they are reissue Tung Sols.
It also likes EI's and 1950 RCA black plates. NOS tube prices have gone insane in the last couple years so stay with reissues if you don't happen to have some vintage tubes from years back laying around.