Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

12-21-11: Fusion10

1. My room is about 13 x 11 - on the small side. Is the M-Lore too large? I worry because when I tried a pair of Monitor Audio RX2, with the 8" woofer and rear port, it overloaded the room.

May I ask on the placement of the RX2 in the room? How far are the RX2s from the front wall and side walls? I presume the speakers are on the short wall.

The stock tubes sound great they are reissue Tung Sols.
It also likes EI's and 1950 RCA black plates. NOS tube prices have gone insane in the last couple years so stay with reissues if you don't happen to have some vintage tubes from years back laying around.
Finally got my Lores today. They sound great. I mostly listen to jazz, and the Lores are perfect for reproducing the dynamism of a live jazz performance. I'll post further impressions when I've had more time with them, and they've had a chance to break in. But so far, couldn't be happier.
Hey, can anybody/has anybody compared the Lore-S vs Katzmeow ???

Eric described Katz meow as kind of like a B&W killer and the Lore-S as detailed and refie. I'm not really sure what that means in regards to eachother so I thought I'd ask around. Any descripter would help.

BTW I'm listening to Maggies, I like ML's and heard some Snell C7's I thought where really great today. I seem to value a good dose of natural effortless detail and a deep soundstage.

Which one's for me Lore-S or Katz?
Scuttlflux, Your talking apples and oranges.
Both your maggies and Martin Logans are Electrostatic plainers
a very different sounding animal compaired from the acoustic suspension driver world.
And you left out the very best example of Electrostatics of all,the Sound lab Majestic 945's these are so real sounding it will simply blow your mind in a largish room 6 ft. from a treated rear wall.I heard a pair driven with big Manley Labs monos on a cork floor.I have owned Sound labs smaller panels and heard other models in the PX series as well as the older Aroras and Dynastats and can promise you they are far better at producing a huge holographic sound stage than any other pannel. http://www.soundlab-speakers.com/majestic.htm

Here is some serious monos to pair with them also the big Walcots are good.

I used a 355 watt per channel amp as the impedance is what kills you when it swings 300ohms on a full range monster with over 600 inches of tweeter and drops to under 20hz!

Now,having taken the extreme path via electrostatics lets get to reality for most of us,I sold that kit when my son was born.I didn't need 800to 900 volts running under a membrain thinner than cellophane on a cigarette pack, lethal with poke of a finger or toy!

I have not heard the lore S but own the Lore and it has the dynamics,speed and punch that you may not get in the Lore S or Kats. Speed and punch is one of the characteristics people love in electrostatics,the other is detail and the Lore is capable of that too but you will have to send Eric better internal wire,better caps,resisters and binding posts to make the Lore as detailed as the panels we just discussed.but it can be done at around the price of the lore S or a little more.Unless your happy to do it your self,I did.And I would not trade my lores to have my panels back and I drive them at just a couple watts 90% of the time.10 watts per channel is plenty loud in a 20X16 treated room.
If you want stock and the only choice was the LoreS and Katz
I think you would do better with the larger cabinet of the Lore S. but I have not heard either one of those and I don't really know for sure what it is you are sonicly seeking.