Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Goramon, I'm thinking of buying a Schiit Bifrost but that Jolida is on my radar as well. How's it w/ supplied tubes and how much would one have to pay for "proper" tubes, and what might they be? (I'm New to tubes.)
12-21-11: Fusion10

1. My room is about 13 x 11 - on the small side. Is the M-Lore too large? I worry because when I tried a pair of Monitor Audio RX2, with the 8" woofer and rear port, it overloaded the room.

May I ask on the placement of the RX2 in the room? How far are the RX2s from the front wall and side walls? I presume the speakers are on the short wall.

The stock tubes sound great they are reissue Tung Sols.
It also likes EI's and 1950 RCA black plates. NOS tube prices have gone insane in the last couple years so stay with reissues if you don't happen to have some vintage tubes from years back laying around.
Finally got my Lores today. They sound great. I mostly listen to jazz, and the Lores are perfect for reproducing the dynamism of a live jazz performance. I'll post further impressions when I've had more time with them, and they've had a chance to break in. But so far, couldn't be happier.
Hey, can anybody/has anybody compared the Lore-S vs Katzmeow ???

Eric described Katz meow as kind of like a B&W killer and the Lore-S as detailed and refie. I'm not really sure what that means in regards to eachother so I thought I'd ask around. Any descripter would help.

BTW I'm listening to Maggies, I like ML's and heard some Snell C7's I thought where really great today. I seem to value a good dose of natural effortless detail and a deep soundstage.

Which one's for me Lore-S or Katz?