Herbie’s Super Black Hole CD Mat - Wow!

I just received the Herbie’s Audio Lab Super Black Hole CD mat in mail. It’s a little black disc that fits atop a CD which has silicon on one side (the side that touches the CD) and carbon fiber on the top. I’ve only listened to a few songs (electronic genre) and my first impression was simply “Wow!” I’m hearing so much further into the recording. I’m hearing the ambience much better. Notes have more texture. Imaging seems to have improved. On one track, there is a sound that is panned to the right and repeats three times. I thought it was identical on each note, but with the CD mat it’s easy to hear that on the second note, it actually moves 6 inches towards the center of the soundstage and then back out to the right. It’s always fun to rediscover your music when you find a tweak you enjoy. 
From their website, this is how they say it works:

“By reducing micro-vibration in the CD spin during playback, laser-reading error is potentially reduced. (Error correction in audio CD discs is not perfect; it is algorithm-based "guessing," not binary like in data CDs). By damping the disc/clamp interface, micro-vibrations generated by spinning discs are hindered, keeping them from permeating throughout the player where capacitors, op-amps, micro-processors, and other sensitive parts can be adversely affected.”

I can’t confirm whether or not that’s the whole story to how it works, but I’m convinced it does something amazing. I will report back after I listen to some more music of other genres.

Thanks for sharing. I have not tried Black Hole yet but been using SID mat for a while and it continues to amaze me. SID is designed to eliminate reflections from the CD label and absorb the stray laser light. By using SID in my player I’ve heard improvements in imaging, more air and space between the instruments and vocals are simply more palpable. 
Not to rain on anybodies parade here at all but this has been current since about 2010 I believe?
Anyways yes it does work pretty well.
I have been using it in conjunction with GK,s NDM in my C.E.C belt drive CD transport and between them red book replay is almost like a whole new media than previous.
Highly recommended for $35 or less.
I’m more than a little skeptical regarding the claim that a CD tweak like SID or any other audio product eliminates scattered laser light and I’m going to tell you why. It is because the scattered laser light is mostly invisible light which is not (rpt not) amenable to absorption by ANY color. The nominal wavelength of the CD laser if 780 nm, which is in the infrared part of the spectrum. Having said that green or turquoise will help somewhat with the red portion of the scattered laser light, which is present in the lower part of the laser beam spectrum.  The CD laser in not monochromatic so there’s some RED 🚨  in the laser light. My product New Dark Matter is the only (repeat only) audiophile product absorbs all forms of light, from Blu Ray to DVD to SACD to CD, including infrared.

Pop quiz: free NDM to the winner!

What color absorbs scattered Blu Ray light?
Mkgus ...

After getting really excellent results from Herbie's tube dampeners, I decided to try the Black Hole. I heard no difference. I set the Black Hole aside and haven't used it for a couple of years. Now that the system is tweaked to the nines, I'll try it again to see if I can discern a difference. 

I'm also using Herbie's feet under the CD player to good effect. 

Black hole or Super Black hole Frank.
There is supposed to be some difference.
Maybe like orange to blue fuses.......