Wyred4Sound's STI-v2 integrated employs a circuit breaker on the back panel in lieu of a fuse. Hopefully, more manufacturers will catch on.
All the best,
All the best,
To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!
@geoffkait no time at all here you go - a selection of breakers from Kemp https://www.kempelektroniksshop.nl/accessories/audio-grade-fuses.html i has SR give my breaker their Tesla treatment which is something they offer if you send it to them |
And some more http://www.gigawatt.eu/produkt/g-c16a-power-grid-overcurrent-protection-switch/ https://audio-hifi-shop.de/AHP-Klangmodul-4-G-fuer-Sicherung-14x51mm Clearly a thing in Europe. I’ll install one of these when I get my system up and running here in the UK |