Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Hey guys, what are your thoughts on using a class D Pro amp with a pair of Tekton Pendragons? I have my eye on a Crown XLS 1000... trying to recreate "live" sounding dynamics in my room. I am amazed at what a 12 watt tube amp can do... but I am a rock and contemporary guy and the "live" sound IS where these Tektons excel. Eric seem to think it will be a great match... thoughts?
Gpowered, if you go for that Crown lemme know what you think. I'm thinking to get on for my Vandy 2Ce's. It's cheap and so available, returns are easy if need be.
Hi all ! I dont know about that Crown amp . Just the name brings back bad amplifier memories from the '70 s . The little Belles A150 is a nice little amp and can be had for $450 - $550 . Al tells me you are looking for an 8 ohm version of the 'dragons?
The Belles A150 is a terrific solid state amp and I generally do not like SS all that much. I cringe at the thought of the Crown, generally a piece that drove me up the wall with horrible sound in the 70s.