Hi Frank, I’m glad to hear that the new Orange fuse sounds better than a broken in Blue fuse immediately. The Blue fuse sounded better than a broken in Black fuse immediately. The Black fuse sounded like drek from hours 15 to 72 . The duplex change from Black to Blue was not as nice. The Blue sounded bright and hard compared to the Black. It took almost a week until it broke in and sounded better than the Black in all respects. The fuse improvement was more significant so the Orange fuse is the way to go.Is this for real or are you taking the piss?
Robert didn’t like the Stop-its initially and now we know why, they were uncured. I think I’ll try Stop-its too.
Or is Stop-it’s, another new SR product you insert in your ear to get you sane again from the voodoo fuses insemination infection?
And no I couldn’t be bothered to see if Stop-it’s is actually some to purchase to make audio better.
oregonpapa OPAnd give the SR Orange fuses voodoo a rest, you have your other thread closed, you now want this done too?
The Orange fuses will give those Legacy Focus’ of yours a new level of bass. Also, more realistic sound. Wait until you hear the violin and piano.