Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?

Any opinions on this version versus the previous?

"differential triode input with semi-circlotron follower stage"

Still very happy with unit. No problems whatsoever.

Liked the SQ from tube mode the most with my F5(DIY) and oppo205. Just to add, the speakers are tekton DI's which are driven very well, particularly on the low end, by the F5.

The JFET came in handy during the record breaking summer heat, also streaming from bluesound node.

Have not had the urge to tube roll. In fact may be done with searching for the ultimate SQ. Although am planning on dabbling with an Aleph J in the near future;-)
Did your Freya + come with JJ 6SN7s? My curiosity about those tubes has driven me to order a couple of 'em as I can also use them in my single ended power tube pile keeps increasing and I like it!
Well the Freya+ is certainly an upgrade over the OG Saga, no doubt about that!  I've only had it a couple of days, but even out of the box it's more dynamic with a bigger soundstage and seemingly better detail.  

This is my first go at a tube based pre, the Saga had one tube as a buffer only.  When I first got it the jfet buffer mode was a little quieter than the volume pot only mode.  But on day two the db difference between the two disappeared, and I suspect as it burns in things will improve further.

The tubes were also making some slight noise with no music playing occasionally.  I powered down and removed them, and found I hadn't inserted them fully.  I also used some deoxit on the pins just in case.  Upon full insert they've been dead silent since.  And what a jaw dropping SQ.  It's a new level of "in the room live performance" for me.  

I can see why they keep selling out on the Schiit page.