Schiit Freya plus. Is this an upgrade?

Any opinions on this version versus the previous?

"differential triode input with semi-circlotron follower stage"

I'm thinking about getting the Freya+ and diving into the world of tube pre-amplification. It's been interesting following all the tube and tube rolling threads. Have many of you tested the Freya+? I contacted Schiit, and they noted that they swapped out the tubes for the Freya+ now for JJ 6sn7. Schiit directly notes that "found these to be better performing than the Tung Sol or Sylvania tubes we were using before in every way." After reading all the tube rolling around Tung Sols, I'm curious if you guys have tested this, and agree that the JJ are just better than the Tung Sols, and other available options? No need to upgrade now over the stock JJ 6sn7? thanks!
i believe the Tung Sol is a reissued tube from Chinese origin... not that this makes it a bad tube, but not an original 6SN7 which is a beautiful thing ion the right circuit. I hope the current 6SN7 that Schitt sources is great as I will probably go the same route with the Freya +... by the way, I used some Tung Sol brown base EL34 tubes before and they are the stuff... mostly as they offer up a stout sound and last a long time...
Still very happy with unit. No problems whatsoever.

Liked the SQ from tube mode the most with my F5(DIY) and oppo205. Just to add, the speakers are tekton DI's which are driven very well, particularly on the low end, by the F5.

The JFET came in handy during the record breaking summer heat, also streaming from bluesound node.

Have not had the urge to tube roll. In fact may be done with searching for the ultimate SQ. Although am planning on dabbling with an Aleph J in the near future;-)
Did your Freya + come with JJ 6SN7s? My curiosity about those tubes has driven me to order a couple of 'em as I can also use them in my single ended power tube pile keeps increasing and I like it!