Audio Research D240 mkll vs Adcom GFA-555

Hey Folks, I currently have a modified Adcom GFA-555 but have the opportunity to purchase an Audio Research D240mkll. Will there be a significant increase in sound quality? Speakers are Sonus faber Chameleon B's and source is Tidal through a Project Pre Box S2 Digital (as preamp).
I have a modded 555 as my back-up amp.  When I sent my McCormack DNA-1 to SMc Audio for a rebuilt I pulled out the Adcom.  I allowed it several days of burn-in since it had been boxed for several years.  Upon listening, I tried to like what I was hearing as it would be over a month till I received my 1st string amp. back.  Unfortunately its performance was so inferior to what I was used to that I shut down the system and listened through my Shure 535 in ear phones to music on my computer via Spotify.  The music came to life more through this mid-fi set-up than through using the Adcom with my system.  

I take no pleasure in expressing my disappointment with the Adcom.  Many years ago, with a much less resolved system its performance was satisfying.  This experience is testimony to how much better modern gear designs are.  Just taking into account the advancement in resistors, capacitors, transistors etc. etc. 
How about a re-capped Krell about 20 years younger? from Eric Post.

That's exactly what I did.  Have a KSA-80B and had it gone thru by the factory--recapped etc.  Using it to drive Apogee Scintillas at One Ohm.  Been a year after recapping and sounds very nice.  This amp was made to drive this speaker by Dan.  

Did a modern streaming front end.  Sounds very real.
The modded 555 is probably a keeper, but how much do they want for the D240?  If the price is right, you might give it try.

All the best.

That ARC is a great ampI would grab it asap as I can tell nobody above here has ever heard the potential of this unit. It is well more sophisticated and dimensional in my experience which I can promise I have actually heard the unit.
 It also has a friendly input impedance for a tube preamp. Match it up with any decent Tube unit like ARC, Quicksilver, Audible Illusions etc and you will have a great system to play with your speakers or any great speakers full-range like Vandersteens or Magnepans. Best JohnnyR