Why does streaming need to be so complex

Been struggling for a while now. I simply want the best source for my Apple Music subscription, Tidal Hi-Fi subscription and now Amazon Music HD subscription. I really don’t care about a DAC as I am using an external Benchmark DAC. Got a revealing system using Sim Audio power amp and Von Schweikert speakers. Currently using Apple TV and Fire TV through my OPPO 105 HDMI in and Coax out to DAC. Both sources are not capable of passing Hi-Res. Raspberry PI solution though good needs technical skills, Aurelic product does not support Amazon Music HD, list continues with audiophile streamers missing some functionality or the other. 
The only decent streamer out there that covers it all is Bluesound node 2 and 2i and they continue to keep the customers in mind with updates. Is that the only option out there? Am I stuck with building my own using Mac mini or Raspberry PI? Budget is $1500. 
Lack of an industry standard for services, iPhone/iPad only support and an ever changing eco system.

This is a major reason, in addition to cost, I've yet to be able to leave my Logitech Music Server. In addition to hosting my ripped and downloaded music it has just great internet radio support.
PS - Have you checked out hte latest miniDSP ? They have streaming + DSP correction in the digital domain now.
This article by John Darko sums it all up. https://darko.audio/2019/03/the-inconvenient-truth-about-mqa-on-ios/

As per my original post - there still remains a lot of gaps in the streaming world. There are some excellent and expensive audiophile streamers that fail to offer all services - the only one I know that does a decent job with hi res source is Bluesound Node 2. Again not the best product - but excellent vendor partnership program and customer service. 
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Op, your Oppo105 has Tidal app. You don't need to use outboard DAC since Oppo DAC is very good. You can use Wifi or hardwire your Oppo to a router. Use XLR balanced out line level. Use a class A tube preamp and solid state amp. Use ipod or any tablet to browse and control the Tidal. less wire and direct stream will improve SQ.