News flash! 💥 Exhibitors at audio shows do not (rpt not) employ tweaks. They eschew them. Maybe a few that I’m aware of use tweaks to any extent, but most prefer to exhibit brand new components. Are they still living in the 80s? The only ones who went out of their way to tweak their systems were John Curl/Bob Crump, Mapleshade and Golden Sound. If there is one manufacturer who uses aftermarket fuses, it is not a trend, it’s an outlier. One well-known German audio company (starts with a B) told the intrepid roving tweakmeister, Clark Johnsen, who was trying to get them to try out some new fangled CD treatment (was it Optrix?) - “Vee don’t believe in tweaks.” One well-known audio salon in Northern Virginia once opined, “We want our customers to experience the pure sound of our components, so we don’t use tweaks.” We’ll, that’s just super! 🙄