Georgie-Porgie has one major flaw ... its called "lack of credibility." He constantly accuses me, and others, of being a "shill" for SR, and as of this date, he has not responded, nor even acknowledged the post I made earlier in this thread:
georgehifi ...
If you were to become a more astute observer, and stow your animosity for a time, you would know that I have started threads on a multitude of products. Did you read my threads on Audio Research products? How about Herbie’s products, or Perfect Path Technologies products? Have you taken advantage of any of the multitude of music recommendations I’ve offered on this site over the years, George?
Why the silence, George? Why are you continuing to spew negativity all over the path you walk? Turn the telescope around, George. Try to be a more positive individual, George. (Sheesh!)
Cheers ....