Bookshelf Speakers that have to be up against the wall

My very first posting, so be gentle. Looking to upgrade my bookshelf speakers, say to a max of 3k or so. I have an old mcintosh amp and pre. plenty of power. I now have to put my speakers against the wall and the ported ones I have now don’t ‘bloom’ now, they sound a bit muffled - they lost most of their imaging. I think because they are ported in the back also aside from being against the wall. I’d like to hear from anyone who has had that problem and recommendations from those with knowledge of solving this issue.
@georgehifi  yes! I had two pair of Sara and a pair of Index. The Sara in particular are a fantastic rock speaker
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Sjofn “the clue” speakers are made to be against the wall and use the room to augment the sound.  Due to this, the bass that comes out of them almost defies belief.  Heard them at a couple shows and everyone was in disbelief at what they were hearing.  For $2000 you could get a stacked pair.  Best of luck. 
I second the Vandy VLR's.
I have them near the corners of my office ceiling- kind of a nearfield listening position- and they have a decent bass reproduction. Though I supplement them with a pair of HSU subs. I once played them without the subs and was impressed by how low they can go.
   You've had some pretty good suggestions here. Speaker placement is paramount to making speakers sound as good as they are capable. Sounds like you are restricted to placing the speakers so close to the wall. "Bookshelf" speakers that are rear ported usually have that feature to enhance bass. To calm that interaction with room boundaries (walls etc.) some have plugged the rear ports to minimize close wall reflections. Of course that minimizes the bass response the speaker was designed for. Some add a sub to compensate for the loss in bass.

   You didn't mention the particular speakers you have? Adding sound absorbing material to the back wall or plugging the rear ports of the speaker may or may not improve your sound. You probably want to explore all options before shopping for new speakers. If you must place the speakers so close to the rear wall, shop for ones that are not rear ported.