Am I the only one who doesn’t love Harbeth P3esr?

I purchased a pair of P3’s a month ago based on their
uniformly rave reviews online. I have tried them with 
3 different amps, in two different rooms, and with and without a sub, and am just not overly impressed,
using a variety of music. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I expected more OMG moments.
They certainly aren’t bad. Very detailed. But to me they sound bright which I never expected. And I just can’t get them to sound really good.
I have other speakers I gravitate to for listening sessions- KEF LS 50 and Klipsch RP 600ms.

I have listened to the P3s and never found them to be bright al all. Maybe need more time for break in , or something else causing the brightness. Either way, I hope it works out for you. 
I didn’t like the LS3/5 despite all the rave reviews. Auditioned a few different version and none impressed. Thin, tiny and very small soundstage, IMO.

The only Harbeth I liked was the HL5, I think it was a Special Edition with better crossover components and wires inside.

You can audition PMC, they make very good speakers, and sounded natural to my ears.

home demoed a pair of P3-ESRs that we’re well broken in by the dealer, thinking they would be an upgrade to my Proac tablette anniversary editions.  Nope.  Driven with Primaluna EL34 tube amp, the soundstage size and depth was bigger and deeper on the proacs, as was the smoothness/warmth of female vocalists. Don’t really care about bass, so no comment from me there.  I have a small room and listed nearfield which may have something to do with it,  but just didn’t like the P3-ESRs as much at the proacs.  

Rambo 21, have your impressions changed at all with the P3-ESRs? Still perceptions of brightness? Any changes in tonality of the midrange? Size or dimensions of soundstage? Same pretty much true regardless of amplifier and/or room placement? 

The P3 were not for me either. I drove them with my pass int 60 I had at the time. My LS50’s were much better sounding in my 12x14 room. I purchased the use so I assume they were broken in. I listen to a pair in a audio store with tubes and I still where not to my taste. They just sound small. I never heard the great midrange they were suppose to have. I was really disappointed because of all the glowing praise for this speaker. I have a pair of Dyn special 40’s, LS50 metas, and Goldenear BRX and I like them all better, I guess will all hear different.