I connected the 5T’s back to the 7900, but connected them to the 8 ohm outputs. It really opened up the lower frequencies and I didn’t notice any loss in the mid or high frequencies.
What’s happening using the 8ohm tap is that in the bass there is little "damping factor" from the amp to control the speakers movement, so the cone excursion is not halted, but over travels slightly on the out and the inward movement, in other-words it’s not as tightly control as Aerial would like it to be.
Stereophile Aerial 5T 6 ohms in just two regions—between 29 and 54Hz and between 110 and 310Hz—and a minimum value of 4.28 ohms at 160Hz. The electrical phase angle (fig.1, dotted trace) is occasionally extreme, and the combination of 6 ohms and –38° at 108 ohms means a good 4 ohm–rated amplifier would be the best match for this speaker.
But hey! you "could" have an "over damped" room for bass, or a "lean" source in the bass, so an under-damped speakers bass could be ok for you, not ideal for detail retrieval but fine for tonality..
Cheers George