Atma-Sphere MP-3 Mk. 3.3 vs. VAC CPA-1 MK II or Avatar Super - Recommendations

Considering adding 2-channel Tube PreAmp or Integrated with otherwise all SS analog audio system.

(Oppo BDP-105 Bluray + Nakamichi RX-505 Cassette Deck) >> [(Atma-Sphere MP-3 Mk. 3.3 PreAmp) or (VAC CPA-1 MK II PreAmp) or (VAC Avatar Super Integrated)] >> Parasound Halo A51 Amplifier >> Tyler Acoustics Linbrook System II Speakers.

The product link provides technical specifications/ reviews of each model.

Has anyone listened to & compared any of the Atma-Sphere MP-3 Mk. 3.3, VAC CPA-1 MK II, or VAC Avatar Super? Can you comment on your experience & provide recommendations?

Thank you!
I own the Atma MP-3 but when I got an Ayre KX-R, it bested the Atma.
So, I am having Ralph build me an MP-1. I expect it to give the Ayre a run for the money.
Plus, Atma Sphere is one of the nicest companies to deal with.
No experience with VAC.
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@noromance : Don’t know what is passive/ active switching but compared to VAC & Atma, Shiit look like babies. No offense, but I don’t think they’re in the same calibre.
@gdnrbob: MP-1 looks impressive but I don’t think I can ever be able to afford it, even used. :)
Pound to pound, tube to tube, MP-3 seems too light, too small, & too Solid Statey compared to both the VAC models. Isn’t the sound directly proportional to the weight of the transformer & tube used?

There’s another thread comparing both Avatar models.