CSNY 1974 ..... pretty perfect

To all of my fellow Audiogoners who have ever loved Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young ..... get this boxed set ! It is fantastic ! Whether you are a fan of any of the boys singularly, in assorted duo combinations, as the original threesome, or as the full CSNY quartet, this set of fine musical performances will transport you back to one of the greatest concert runs of all time. Bravo and kudos to David, Stephen, Graham, and Neil. Thanks for the great tunes, the beautiful harmonies, and the wonderful memories.
If you want a taste of this set without buying the boxed set go to Starbucks for a single disc for $12.95. They have been out for about a week; might be a few left. The cd includes a coupon for a free digital download.
Hey Val ..... That's good to know. But if you can afford the extra forty bucks (the
price of a halfway decent bottle of wine), buy the full set. All the music is terrific
and there's not one song I would want to be without. And if you get it from
Amazon (no affiliation) you also get the entire 3 CD set as a download.
Cool- will see if it's available on LP. Thanks for the tip Adam. BTW- helluva good concert lineup in Albany this year. What do ya think?
Hi Fjn04 ... Here's a link to the vinyl. Mucho $$$$.


And by the way, when I bought the CD set from Amazon last week, it was $54.98. Last night, I saw it on their site for $39.88, so I called them, and they quickly refunded the difference. Nice folks at Amazon ....

And yes, Fjn, lots of great shows in the Albany area. And my compliments to you on a beautiful system. Shindo and DeVore ... perfect together !
Graham talks a great story about helping people, the earth, etc. Then there's this LP set that's all about GREED. $500 for 40 songs. I have an extensive collection of CSNY, collectively and individually, all on vinyl. It will have to suffice. Ultimate hypocrisy.