Zu Omen or Tekton Lore

Best floorstanders under $999 for low power SET amp?

Those comments would probably have sealed the deal for me and I would have placed an order for 5 or maybe three plus two Mini-Lores today. Had planned on using my bonus plus tax refund to make it happen - until, that is, my wife (and much better half, lost her job in October and is still (!) looking for work. Sigh.

I'll just need to live vicariously through other people's comments for awhile longer.
The only inherent limitation with an efficient speaker the size of Lore is probably low end extension/flatness.

A sub or two could fix that if needed.

I wouldn't worry about the cost ratio between speakers and the rest at all if things are sounding good.

Its when the room is very large and/or teh low end extension is limited and or the system cannot play loud enough without compression or amp clipping that an additional investment is most likely required.

If bigger, deeper, louder is not a concern, then you have a fantastic chance of getting things to shine their best with a smaller investment in speakers.
Hello the Zu use the ribbon now it is open and surly but loose dome of the dynamics.the tekton with Mundorf cap upgrade is hard to beat for the money . I personally like the Klipsch.i can get used Lascala for $1500
And rebuilt the Xver what a great Classic loudspeaker.just as called down K horn 104 db efficient in reality. Dynamics fantastic snd smooth once you put Mundorf a Silver oil capacitors in the top snd mid section.
I met Paul Klipsch back in the 70s a nice guy with genius. He hooked up a $5.00 radio with a. 9v battery and the K horns were very loud on 1watt.
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