For me, the influence of new music has come mostly from two sources-traveling & hearing what other folks are playing (or suggesting). I traveled around the country for many yrs. & listened to the radio for the most part. I had a little tape recorder & would get the name of the song & try & locate the album. Sometimes I was able to track it down, sometimes not.
I think even more influential has been visiting other peoples homes & listening to their music. If something has piqued my interest I write down what I've heard so I can look it up. I will sometimes make a purchase right away.
Having a nice system helps you enjoy your music selection but I would have to say the system in itself didn't open me up for different genres, rather, I'd have to say being more accepting of these different genres over my "favorites" has allowed me to appreciate them.
I think even more influential has been visiting other peoples homes & listening to their music. If something has piqued my interest I write down what I've heard so I can look it up. I will sometimes make a purchase right away.
Having a nice system helps you enjoy your music selection but I would have to say the system in itself didn't open me up for different genres, rather, I'd have to say being more accepting of these different genres over my "favorites" has allowed me to appreciate them.