Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. Just say I’m a troll, when in reality, I’m just trying to create awareness that I don’t think people have as much as they think they do. Belden probably spent 100 times the amount on researching and developing Belden Brilliance than another nitch company did with theirs, because they’re nearly an S & P 500 company. I don’t see them charging 100,000%+ margins to recuperate research and development. In fact, they charge a small amount, and going by capacitance and inductance which no other company lists, I’m going to assume they are of the best.
Most of these companies are mom and pop stores, and their research and development is pale in comparison to the money belden spends of research and development.
I just fail to see, how people justify their purchases based on paying $3,500+ per 10 feet of wire in margins due to what? Research and development? because "they sound good"?, which is subjective, and 100% of the time, it’s just because they look pretty, and have pretty wiring schematics, and since they charge a lot, they must be high quality.
I’m not a troll. So if you don’t have an argument to refute mine besides saying troll,; then don’t. Because I’m simply just bored, and trying to bring awareness to this.
If you think I’m right, and if you are one who cringes on using lamp power cable to hook up ones components, because I can relate. Why not just simply use Belden for everything including power cable?, simply because I feel better, too, having "high quality" in between my components, and I can relate to OCD. And I’m assuming the best is a company who deals with NASA. Even if it weren’t, I’d choose something bulk that was high quality, because I don’t believe the hype either. It doesn’t mean I don’t like nice things.
Not only is belden probably the best, but if the best was $10 a foot, I’d still buy it. But at some point in time, even if you have the money, you’ve got to draw a line in the sand, between you, and corporate greed. I don’t care if you’re a millionaire; it’s still annoying to be taken advantage of.