To power strip or not

Hi, folks

To many this mayn’t be a question, or rather an option at all, but do you all use a power strip in your hifi setup where a range of components are used? If not do you connect directly to a series of wall outlets, or other? In my case I’ve skipped a power strip and replaced it with screw terminals for the lead and return wires respectively (and ground ditto, if used), all bundled in a small box. This way the bare conductor ends of my DIY power cables meet each other directly without connectors or other in between. Sonically, to me, this is the way to go, although it’s less practical when disconnecting, adding or switching components.

Using power strips what are your thoughts on their different incarnations - be they the cheap Home Depot style version of more (expensive) audiophile ditto - and their effect on the sound in your setup? What do you yourself use? If you've experimented comparing power strips with wall outlets-direct or other also, please share your thoughts here as well. 

I’ve had my eye on this one:

AC Power Filter Power Conditioner - WAudio AC Power Purifier with Surge Protector

Yes, Chinese made...but Sean at Zero Fidelity tried it with good results. Chinese equipment has been consistently on the rise in terms of quality and attention to detail. Nonetheless, not many reviews otherwise. Wondering if anyone here has tried it. 

My experience is there is not a one size fits all answer.  If you happen to have really clean power, then you can probably utilize a "non audiophile" sanely priced type of power strip.

Therefore, I'd suggest that you buy a returnable audiophile device and one of the better tripp lite models and see if you can detect a difference.

I live in an area where I am fortunate enough to have clean power and am not using an audiophile device as I could not hear an improvement. The power strip is grounded  and all of my devices (player, preamp, power amp, subwoofer) are plugged into it and they are grounded as well.  I have zero hum and great sound.  This is the model I am currently using...but again, you should run your own trial.
I use a Wiremold UL210BC ten-outlet power strip, which does not provide any surge suppression or filtering. It is plugged into a two-outlet Audience aR2p surge suppressor/power conditioner, which mounts directly on the wall outlet. To minimize the possibility that high frequency noise that may be fed back into the power strip by my digital components or power amp may couple into other components via the power strip I have a Shunyata Venom Defender plugged into an outlet on the power strip. Although with my particular components the Venom Defender doesn’t seem to be making much difference. (In that regard it may be relevant that my amplifier operates in class A, and therefore does not draw amounts of current that fluctuate significantly with the dynamics of the music, in contrast to class AB or D amplifiers).

I am happy with the results. Like the previous poster I live in an area having clean power.

-- Al

I use a pair of Furman 6B-SS power blocks simply for surge protection and convenience. Didn't notice any audio improvement or degradation but i have the comfort of protecting my gear and the added simplicity of disconnecting my whole system from power with the flick of a switch. Great piece of mind when I'm traveling or otherwise away from home. Got em both new for $66. Cheap, effective protection.

What I did, not that anyone cares, is buy a box of good-quality ac duplex outlets like the ones in your walls, some 14 or 12 gauge wire like the wire in your walls, and a good power cord, and build a little frame/enclosure for it all.  So the outlets on the contraption are exactly the same as the outlets on your wall. 

And unless you are the kind of person who tears down his walls to install audiophile power cables, it's probably within the range of good enough.