stereo5, whatever dude......handbags are an excellent example of copying a design. I see nothing wrong with it. It gives women, and possibly, some men, satisfaction, that they can own a $3500. look alike for under $100. If you look at the parts in this Leaf unit, I would suspect it would cost a few thousand, if it was built here. As far as using many more " smaller sized capacitors ", many designers feel this is superior ( Steve McCormack might have been the 1st to do this, as far as I know ). And copying designs ? Stewart Hegeman; Matti Otala; and a few others, whose circuit designs have been copied, and appeared, in so many American made products. No where in the Leaf ad, does it suggest, it is the equal of the Audio Research LS 22, of which it's circuit was copied. BTW, I have no reason to purchase any amplifier at this time, as I am very happy with the collection I have, specifically, a pair of mono blocks, designed by Hafler, for the movie cinema industry, and I can honestly say, they run my modified Klipsch Lascalas, quite " invisibly ". I did mention I was not fond of McIntosh amps ( solid state, specifically ), that use autoformers. I sold many, and have owned many. However, I did say, I understand why listeners enjoy them, but you still became defensive. And as far as tube preamps....been there, done that. " I " choose to listen to my recordings, unadulterated, non smoothed over, non colored, non editorialized, as this, brings me closer, to what is actually going on, with the musicians, the performers, the producers, and the studio engineers. I gave credit to the listeners, such as yourself, for enjoying tubes, and the Mac amplifiers. You responded hostile, and combative. I do not care if someone stated, that my system was not to their liking ( btw, this has not happened yet, after listening ). My system, is for me, no one else. You are a very angry individual, so it appears, and I am not the only one who sees this. So take care, my friend, and enjoy your system ( s ), as I am happy for you....really......Always, MrD.