Rossini vs Ayre Upgrade

Looking to buy a Rossini Player with clock.

Currently have an Ayre C-5xeMP & QB-9.  Can't hear any difference between the two, but I rip using AIF.
Planning to get rid of the PC and run Mosaic in the Rossini?I plan to connect my 2TB SSD to Rossini, use Mosaic to play tracks, and look at streaming later.
Not able to audition the Rossini.  Will I hear a dramatic differnce upgrading from Ayre to Rossini?Is the Rossini CD Player the same high quality sound as the Rossini DAC?

I haven't heard the Rossini David, but the diamond output stage on the Ayre is pretty unique.  Lush, dark background that seems to have limitless dynamic range.

If I had all the money and space an Ayre stack would make me very happy.

Instead, with limited budget and space, I'm very happy settling for a Luxman integrated with a Mytek Brooklyn DAC.
@david_ten Don't you have the Denafrips Terminator? If so, it will be interesting to see your comparison of the DT with something that is 5x more expensive.
@yyzsantabarbara  I've evaluated the Rossini twice but not within my own system. Once at a dealer and once in a home system. No plans on changing from the Terminator (which is fantastic) unless it is something incredibly special.