What is the best premp for Atma-Sphere MA-1 3.3 amp?

I am thinking about Atma-Sphere MA-1 amp to drive Sound Lab speakers. I can go with A-S preamps (MP-1 or 3) but I was wondering if there are better sounding or better value preamps that match well with MA-1 amp. I am new to tubes and am concerned about the tube hassle, but it seems that the improvement in 3D and clarity of tubes may be worth it. Any recommendations? I wan to stay slightly below the proverbial "point of diminishing returns."
I know that Atma-sphere amps don't change power output according to speaker impedance. Are there any SS amps that have this type of response?  I couldn't find any.
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Do you think MA-1 could have easily handled small SL speakers in the room size of @sksos ? MA-1 is 145W vs M-60 is only 60W.
From a quick scan -I didn't see which model of  Sound Lab speakers you own. It would help determine you power needs.