Hotel Room Confessions - Best Sound at a Show?

I’m curious to know if line arrays and/or tuneable subs make speakers able to sound great in terrible conditions. Or can horns be the ideal hotel room rondevouz? A lot of people come up with a list of best sound, despite clearly terrible sounding rooms. They try to hear past what is assumed to be room problems.

I want to ask, if you have ever heard really amazing sound in a hotel room. Like, nothing needed to be made better, you’d be happy listening there forever. If so, what were the speakers you heard?

I've heard RELATIVELY stellar performances but I've never heard a hotel room sound even as good as my current, pitiful setup.

Have you? Did a line array, ESL or horn show how it could utterly tame the room and take you to heaven in a seedy hotel room with ugly carpets?
We’ve won ’best room at the (given) show’ many a time.

But then again, the other half of Teo Audio is a specialist in room taming (Taras K) and has done the acoustics for about 60 major film and series/etc productions.

Given the tools that Taras may bring with him.... he can generally step blind into a space and generally tame it to the point that it is at studio quality. To do that with a hotel room. Not a big deal. Go ahead, record in the given corrected space. No problemo. We're still talking abut the hotel room, BTW.

Film work is a magnitude harder, in many cases.
I think it is a huge sign of respect to your potential customers when suppliers do that, so kudos to making the effort. 
Randy Cooley DOES get good sound at shows, as did Brooks Berdan (who won "Best Sound At The Show" at the first or second Stereophile Show in the 90's). The Sanders Model 10 ESL's sounded great at the last show I attended, Irvine 2014 I believe it was. They were placed diagonally in the room, with a single line of listening chairs running diagonally.