To Fuse or Not to Fuse... That is the question!

Ok.. I think I understand that no fuse is better than a cheap fuse. And a good fuse is better than a cheap fuse. But is no fuse better than the best fuse?

One person on Audiogon said that he achieved better sound by using a Blue fuse over no fuse. I guess my question is... Do these new, high dollar fuses just allow the current to flow better with solid protection or do they actually due to quantum physics or something, actually improve upon the signal by eliminating errant bad electrons and thereby actually improving the music over no fuse at all?

I gots to know!

Is that because your hand is less likely to make auspicious claims? I just had a good laugh over the HiFi/Gecom "test report" you posted. You really should have vetted that first before posting it though. No worries, I know electrical/electronic is not your area of expertise so quickly identifying the flaws in the test would not be easy for you.

I think you should go back to trying to justify that differences in the integrated Poynting vector (seeing how the E-field does change for each phase of AC and hence points in each direction, leads to the B field, and that those two lead to the Poynting vector, and must be integrated over the whole field space for each direction) are going to be significant enough different with the fuse direction changed to make your system sound different. That would of course require proving the difference is on the order of thermal modulation of fuses and wires, humidity differences, the impacts of temperature change on resistance, etc.

I can wait ...

I think I am going to start calling you 332 :-)
I had a feeling you would fall into my ant lion trap. 🐜 🐜 The HiFi Tuning data sheets have been discussed ad nauseam here, even since I posted them here eons ago. It’s been so long ago I don’t even remember. Still, it’s a pleasure getting a new man on board. I am very fond of good strong reactions so, it’s a win win. 🤗 By the way, in case you missed it even HiFi Tuning admits in the text portion of the data sheets that the small differences in measured voltage drop (resistance) do not (rpt not) explain the relatively large differences heard in listening tests. When’s the last time you had your ears candled? This might come as a shock to you, there is no debate about wire directionality, we’ve known about it for 25 years. Some high end Unshielded cables have been marked for directionality like forever. At least 20 years. It’s like cryo. Most high end cable manufacturers routine employ cryo. Some electronics manufacturers like Meitner have been using cryo for years and years. How time flies!
So like 20 / 25 years? Awesome. There should be lots and lots of properly run tests that show that people can pick up the audible differences right?

What's that you say ... no you can't provide me with any links other than some old digital stuff where RCA plugs were used for controlled impedance signals and you ended up getting transmission line effects and jitter?

Really ... 20-25 years ... nada. I never would have guessed 332.  No worried, I think jae48 said he would like to set up a room at an audio show so that we can run some double blind tests like this. I am willing to put in some good money, heck I would put up a grand. You?  Wouldn't you like to, for once, be able to point to a large listening group test that clearly, in front of pundits and naysayers alike proved what you are claiming?

Yes, MFRs in audio use cryo. Why ... people will pay for it. In the business world that is pretty much the best reason there is. Spend a few dollars to drop in in liquid nitrogen, charge 50x your cost. The brilliance isn't in the engineering, it is in the marketing.

The only trap you fell into is assuming you could get away with posting marketing fluff and calling it engineering.

In a good transparent system... fuses influence the sound in a way that can be heard. Some fuse designers learned ways to make the sound more pleasing to the ears. Fuses simply have an effect on what plays through the speakers.  There is no perfect fuse,  anymore than there is a perfect speaker cable.  They all influence what is heard.  We choose what we like to hear. 
100,000 fancy fuses sold to date so it looks like it’s you against the world Mr. Smarty Pants 👖and looking into my crystal ball I you can probably add at least another 50,000 for the new 🍊 fuse. Snooze, you lose. 😴 By the way you didn’t interpret the data correctly. Your humble narrator did, though. 🤗 Be that as it may, as I said there really isn’t any debate any more. But you’re welcome to carry on.🕺🏻 You aren’t the only stubborn mossback in town.