ADS L-810's way to bright?

I have a pair of L-810,s in beutiful condition But too bright, I'm taking them apart today to find out why? I have the original schematics but the cross overs appear to be for tweeters, mids only. so my question is how do I get more bass or less highs. It would seek logical that any problem in the tweeter midrange would be a negative effect not more. Any advice would be grateful.
ADS always had a reputation for being a bit bright, but it is difficult to tell from your message if your problem is something being broken or just the speaker is OK and just not a good match for you.

Are these new-to-you speakers or did something just change? Was there previously another speaker that worked fine in that listening room and with the other components?

Try to rule out a defect in the speakers. Play something with a solid bass track and see if both woofers are working properly - good bass output with no distortion, etc.

Room shape, size and furnishings can also dramatically affect sound, as can the position of the speaker in the room. A sparsely furnished room with hard surfaces can easily sound very bright. Experimenting with speaker placement might also be helpful.

Right now the info is rather limited so it is hard to tell what is going on.
Sorry the info was vague. Source, Nakamichi DMS 2A CD player with Johnny cash in the slot, amp is a Jolida 302A integrated.
M1sst1 is correct, nothing is wrong with the speakers a friend of a friend owns these and their big brother and says that is the sound and it sounds fantastic to him. I purchased these to make the wife happy and replace the Maggie's with a smaller footprint speaker but they don't sound like the Maggie's so I will be selling them shortly. The bass is fantastic and the mids are great but I don't think the little cymbols on a taborine should be that noticable.