Are there any Tool fans here?

I feel that Undertow is far superior sounding than any others, especially the new one. It was recorded at Sound City back in the day where some of the best albums were recorded. Its console was the Neve console that Dave Groul now owns. Vintage gear and Eqs on that console can not be reproduced.  
zyphryx ...

  • Is that the "Know What I Mean?" album?

Yes.  The best cut is on side two, cut three.  Truly a great album.

This guy, Colin O'Donohoe, does a good deconstruction of Lateralus. Even if you do not like the band you have to give them kudos for this level of effort.
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Sound wise I think this is killer, one of their best to date IMHO.  The drums in particular, just spot on. 
Tool fan or not, the mix and mastering is terrific!! Was actually surprised Ludwig did this.  Many of his other masterings are not even close to this, at least to my ears