Help with hookup

Inherited some audio equipment. Hooking up a McIntosh mc2300 preamp to a McIntosh mc352 amp to a pair of Acoustic Zen Adagio speakers, but I don't get sound out of the speakers. I can hear when I plug in the headphones, so there is that. Any ideas?
Also try using output 1 or output 2 and select that output on the front of your c2300 
Thanks! You have given me some things to try. The needles do move on both pieces when on. And I can hear through the headphones. 
As the meters on the mc352 are responding to the signal from the preamp, I suspect " it " is at the amp end. What are the speaker wire connections you are using, both at the amp end and the speaker end ? If you are using bare wire, make sure enough insulation has been removed from the cable ends to make contact, but not so much, that the positive and negative wires are touching ( I am sorry, I have seen this a few times in my lifetime ). This scenario will short the output ( no sound ). Was the equipment working properly, as far as you know, before you acquired the pieces ? Sorry for the questions......just part of trying to help.....
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