Dreaming of a DIY 8W Class A amp designed by Nelson Pass?

I've never built one, or heard them but this kit looks fun as hell, and includes everything you need:

On the PC LPS, this is what I have and it is very impressive for that application. It’s been in service for more than a year and never gets turned off. It was a genuine improvement for my self-brewed music server PC.
I also use a couple of the Teradak products to power other components such as my SOTM USB card and a couple of other external digital components. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Teradak-DC9V-2-5A-SOTM-DX-USB-HD-special-linear-power-supply/254398773540?h...

This thread is unreadable . The truly bored seem to be taking the bait from each other . Thanks Eric for passing on the info for Nelsons diy kit . I think it is great that nelson is a man of the people . 
I have forwarded the info to some of my less fortunate audiophile friends that took up a life in electronics.  Should save time from building an amp with offshore design. 
Allane, I built the dual mono blocks and love them. I also own a retail Firstwatt J2 and M2, all having slightly different but highly enjoyable sound. You can set the monos up in either series or parallel, and honestly it depends on your speakers as to which will sound best to you. In my case it’s series (I have horns), parallel with my speakers is so hyper detailed, you get insane details while in the adjoining room! But I know others where parallel is best.  The latest version of ACA in mono form can also be setup to ran balanced... so many options.  They are rather remarkable for the price.
I built a pair of the ACA kits.  Balanced mono, all stock.  They are driving  Decware DFR8 speakers in Madisound BK-20 folded horn cabinets.  

I’ve been floored by how much I enjoyed building the kits and the resulting pleasure in listening to my new system.

Built one w my daughter last Christmas when she was home from college.Took us a couple of days, probably 14 hrs total, but I did a lot of talking. She had never soldered before. I've done some kits.
Her gift was the finished amp. Mine was the time together.
Sounds great for what it is. Had so much fun w the build, I got their "SS-2" pre/headohone amp. They work well together.
I hope others check them out.