Speakers to big room

I have 6x8m room,now owning Tannoy Canterbury from Prestige serie 96db.,Meridian 808.3 and Sroll Lyric amp(240w to 8ohm).Any sugestion for some other high sensitivity speakers to have little tighter and faster sound?In my list:ATC,Harbeth,Proac.Overall I really like these speakers but someone always has some doubts,you know?
NEver heard those Tannoys but they look very nice!

Are you sure you have the right amp to max out the performance with those speakers? I am not familair with your amp so cannot say, but I would confirm that first before changing speakers if you like the sound but just want to make it better. IS you amp a tube or SS amp? 240w/ch to 8 ohm may be overkill for efficient speakers. Maybe there is a better match with lower power output? Speakers like those that use large drivers often do best with an amp with higher damping and current delivery as opposed to just pure watts. These are some things I would be sure of first before changing nice speakers like those that you already like.
I have tried Leben and Almarro monoblocks and I like it the best with powerfull and very clean amp.Maybee I should try them with MasterSound Caesar 300B as Jeff Day mentioned in review http://positive-feedback.com/Issue49/tannoy.htm.