Spica TC-50 crossover repair

Recently got a pair of Spica TC-50 speakers in a trade. Nice looking speaker that from all accounts is a nice sounding set as well. Original boxes and original stands. Problem is one of the speakers has a crossover that was in the process of being repaired and is missing the three coils. My question is: is this worth the time and effort to repair or should I give up the dream? I have a schematic that lists the parts required, but the web site I got this information has a caveat that reads "Spica carefully graded and tested each woofer. Then based on those parameters a service code was assigned and paired with a matching crossover. For this reason, it is unlikely that your components will match these exactly" I assume if I were to replace the coils in one crossover, they should also be replaced in the other (complete) crossover. However, this statement leads me to believe it may never be completely "right". Or will difference likely be negligible? Lastly, are any electrical DIYers out there that can tell me any relatively easy ways to test the woofers as Spica did in order to select the proper coils to rehab these speakers. What is the opinion out there? Thanks, Whyland
Ag insider logo xs@2xwhyland
Hi Whyland

Another resource to help with your Spica TC-50 repair could be the Skiing Ninja. I've read good things about his cross over mods for different speaker manufacturers.


Good luck.
I would drop a dime and call Bill LeGall at Millersound for his opinion;Bill rebuilds speakers,crossovers and is considered one of the best speaker rebuilders in the industry.

Bill LeGall
1422 Taylor Rd
Lansdale, PA 19446-1531
(215) 412-7700
I believe Bill does surrounds, recones and diaphram replacements only.... but the call is free, worth checking out.
Wow, lots of good advise here. I have the spicaspeakers site and thought I should weigh in. Ponnie and John B are friends and can be a big help.

1) If you alter the coils (to air coils) you will alter the time alignment, which is in my opinion is key to the character of these speakers.
2) The coils didn't change with the services code. The service code was done to adjust the crossover to match the peak characteristics of the woofer and to remove a hump in the freq. response (not the actaual crossover points). To accomplish this only a couple(?) of caps and resistor (or two) was altered. The schematics are on my site.
The time alignment is mostly due to the reactive impedance of the inductor. It is possible that in impedance compensation circuits that it could make a difference but only if the coil resistance is needed. Coil resistance can easily be changed with the gauge the coil is wound in.
A very simple fix all around would be to measure the resistance of the cored coil and get enough larger gauge air core coil to have the same resistance as the original iron core coil. Overall results would then be improved over the original design, but more costly.
I recommend that if all possible to use an air coil at least on the tweeter.
Jeallen, can you give me your site address.