The best tweeter design

Been giving some thought on the best tweeter design and I came up with the following list:

1) Plasma
2) Ribbon
3) Horn-loaded
4) Diamond dome
5) Ring radiator
6) Inverted dome

But since 1-3 are hard to implement or expensive most speakers start at #4, at best.

It is my own experience that implementation is at least as important as tweeter type. I have used Ionic, ribbon, and many different types of domes. The first two have many virtues but are hard to match with standard cone speakers. I have tried titanium domes and find I prefer soft domes to them; this is a personal choice, not "better" or "worse". As I like Scanspeak I decided to try some speakers with the "Revelator" tweeters, I have purchased some but not yet received them.
I LOVE the Raven ribbon tweeter in my Alon apeakers mated with the Seas Excel Magnesium drivers
So far one of the best I have seen is the new tweeter made by High Emotion Audio

It is high efficiency, very fast but smooth without brightness and extremely wide dispersion angles (120 degrees). It is also rear-firing and crosses over at about 2KHz. It surpasses any ribbon I've heard (for example the Raal) and ESLs. They have at least two patents on it as far as I know.

The only other tweeter that I have heard that is as fast (but much more limited dispersion angle) is the field-coil powered tweeter made by Classic Audio Loudspeakers.