@ Andrew
Yes the EI KT90's i suspect are not as stable/long lasting/as the new EHKT90's, but ,,oh what a musical tube, GORGEOUS,,but sadly the usage is only 1500 hours and then they short out.
The tech guy here in New Orleans said about my Defy 7 , as i wanted to have it cked out before i pulled her in after sitting some nearly a deacde,,,*Oh the Defy has power trans issues,,blah blah blahhh,,I reserached it online and found several tech blogs stateing the Defy had trans issues,,blahblahb lahhhhh(,,In desperation i cked Baton Rouge and google had ADVANCED VIDEO with many 5 star comments,,I drove up, and 2 weeks later said *good to go*,,*All I did was put the bias right to the KT90s;s,,and also your tech guy in NO had AU's in the AX and AX in the AU front end*,,,!!!???%%$%&**&..Got home hooked it up to my Lite LS9 jadis clone/Cayin CD17 and herad a hum at opening powerup,,,now i figured maybe the New Orleans tech guy was correct,,,,put the Lite , Defy /cayin CD 17 in my Jeep, drove up 100 miles to BR, and had to hear live session, so he had no other pre to hear,,and we both heard a *MINESCULE/TINY hum* at powerup,,,,,,he said has to do with grounding, not to worry....got back home, order the Xiang at $300, had 2 types of reviews,,Great vs cheap chinese junk,,it is indeed cheap chinese junk,,but the hum disappeared at startup,,so i knew its not the jadis, it was the Lite LS9,,,The Defy is dead quiet.
I have the LEAF Class A pre arriving later this week, I have my eye set on the cayin SC6LS MARK 2.
Cayin makes incredible well built amps/stereo,,Maybe my Thor SEAS speakers were just too much for the lil amp.
Has a 4 ohm speaker post,,but still the Thors are a very very demanding speaker.
The Defy is the job for the Thor's.
My hunch is , the Cayin GORGEOUS 845 has incredible mids,,but will lack that crystal highs which i need.
The EHKT90's, may not offer the same musicality as the now very rare, priced wayy too high EI KT90's, are my best bet for the Thors demands.
However, i see i am transforming intoa stereo junkie, and may later on order the 845 cayin. , asa *2nd System*.
I have a 400 classical cd collection of say 25 composers and all deserve a Two Level Listening Experience.
Amperex is the most muiscal of all front end tubes, . The Bugle Boys sing like no others.
The higher glow does not bother the least.
Now i have to drive up to BR tomorrow and dump off 2 units,,The Lite LS9, which after repairs, can't fetch much = will take a hit on that,,and the cayin MT35 will also cost me $$$$. The chinese seller wants my tech to respond to his tech guy, to find out what exactly went wrong, as he knows Cayin are built like jadis, Tank quality.
The hobby is bankrupting my $900/mo SS ck.
Yes the EI KT90's i suspect are not as stable/long lasting/as the new EHKT90's, but ,,oh what a musical tube, GORGEOUS,,but sadly the usage is only 1500 hours and then they short out.
The tech guy here in New Orleans said about my Defy 7 , as i wanted to have it cked out before i pulled her in after sitting some nearly a deacde,,,*Oh the Defy has power trans issues,,blah blah blahhh,,I reserached it online and found several tech blogs stateing the Defy had trans issues,,blahblahb lahhhhh(,,In desperation i cked Baton Rouge and google had ADVANCED VIDEO with many 5 star comments,,I drove up, and 2 weeks later said *good to go*,,*All I did was put the bias right to the KT90s;s,,and also your tech guy in NO had AU's in the AX and AX in the AU front end*,,,!!!???%%$%&**&..Got home hooked it up to my Lite LS9 jadis clone/Cayin CD17 and herad a hum at opening powerup,,,now i figured maybe the New Orleans tech guy was correct,,,,put the Lite , Defy /cayin CD 17 in my Jeep, drove up 100 miles to BR, and had to hear live session, so he had no other pre to hear,,and we both heard a *MINESCULE/TINY hum* at powerup,,,,,,he said has to do with grounding, not to worry....got back home, order the Xiang at $300, had 2 types of reviews,,Great vs cheap chinese junk,,it is indeed cheap chinese junk,,but the hum disappeared at startup,,so i knew its not the jadis, it was the Lite LS9,,,The Defy is dead quiet.
I have the LEAF Class A pre arriving later this week, I have my eye set on the cayin SC6LS MARK 2.
Cayin makes incredible well built amps/stereo,,Maybe my Thor SEAS speakers were just too much for the lil amp.
Has a 4 ohm speaker post,,but still the Thors are a very very demanding speaker.
The Defy is the job for the Thor's.
My hunch is , the Cayin GORGEOUS 845 has incredible mids,,but will lack that crystal highs which i need.
The EHKT90's, may not offer the same musicality as the now very rare, priced wayy too high EI KT90's, are my best bet for the Thors demands.
However, i see i am transforming intoa stereo junkie, and may later on order the 845 cayin. , asa *2nd System*.
I have a 400 classical cd collection of say 25 composers and all deserve a Two Level Listening Experience.
Amperex is the most muiscal of all front end tubes, . The Bugle Boys sing like no others.
The higher glow does not bother the least.
Now i have to drive up to BR tomorrow and dump off 2 units,,The Lite LS9, which after repairs, can't fetch much = will take a hit on that,,and the cayin MT35 will also cost me $$$$. The chinese seller wants my tech to respond to his tech guy, to find out what exactly went wrong, as he knows Cayin are built like jadis, Tank quality.
The hobby is bankrupting my $900/mo SS ck.