Will Graphene replace Mylar?

The 2010 Nobel Prize for physics has been won for creating a substance called Graphene which is thinner than an atom and a good conductor of electricity. Wouldn't it be ideal for making the ultimate electrostatic speaker or Magnepans? Graphene probably costs a bomb now, but in a few years its cost will come down. Martin Logan please note. They already have I am sure. Adios Mylar?
Will Graphene replace Mylar?

That's the wrong question, I think. Mylar is simply the support for the conductive aluminum layer in a planar driver - since graphene is as conductive as copper and as strong as steel, there will be no need for the support layer. Imagine pure ribbons, one atom thick, carrying the signal in a magnetic field. They will be the ultimate ribbon driver if the cost and scale-up hurdles can be managed!