Vpi tnt or vpi rosewood prime b

Looking to upgrade my turntable found a couple a tnt just rebuilt at vpi with 12 inch 3 d tone arm or vpi rosewood with 10 3 d tone arm please advices thanks scooter
As bdp24 stated the Aries 1 is a great table, there is one here or on another sales site with an SME 5 arm thru a dealer, as you have the Scout already, I am guessing the unipivot might not be an issue for you though. Enjoy the music
@tooblue ..................

it was both of us.  My wife was intimidated by the turntable and wouldn’t use it at all, and I had to constantly play with the arm.  I bought the Scout used and I didn’t have as much of an adjustability problem with the Scout as with the Prime.   If the gimbaled arm was available at the time of purchase, I may have kept the Prime.  I said may because I would have still had the problem with my wife being intimidated by it.  
Regardless, we play lots of vinyl with the Technics now and we are both quite happy with it. 
@stereo5 , thanks for your response and I get where you are coming from, the unipivots are certainly not for everyone and it sounds like you and your wife have found your nirvana and playing a lot of vinyl and that ain't a bad thing. Enjoy the music.
I have a VPI TNT MK3 special reference, with the original JMW-10 arm and love it. The original arm had pivot damping fluid that prevented, "wobble", azimuth ring with fine adjustment, and round rubber isolated counterweight, that was removed with later VPI arms.Top of the line in 1999, but VPI only sold about 100 per year. I use the turntable to this day. The TNT 3 was Stereophile’s turntable of the year at one time. Audio Research used the turntable as a reference until a few years ago, I saw it in their factory several times.

I do not understand why Harry tried to change the arm. It was very easy to make precise adjustments, if you knew what you were doing. I guess most owners did not. A stupid move to dropped counterweight (that always changed the azimuth when adjusted. The elimination of the azimuth ring was also bad.

I hate the plastic 3D arm!

To each there own I guess!
The TNT-3 and -4 have the same 1.25" Delrin/aluminum/lead platter as the Aries 1, the TNT-5 a 1.5" Delrin/stainless steel platter (no lead). HW switched to frosted acrylic for the Aries 2 & 3 and the TNT-6, a move he later admitted was a mistake.