I hope that I have expressed this in a way for everyone of any level to understandAs an anecdotal personal experience, for awhile I was learning how to cook, so either I have to take some cooking classes, or being cheap as me, I would look up at a bunch of YouTube vids and learn how they do it. Natural I would look at vids from the famous chefs like the guy in Kitchen Nightmares and the likes. But my results were terrible and I hated the tasting. I then looked at the vids from regular folks figuring out they would be at the same level as I was. But I eventually found out that most of them basically would watch some other YouTube vids and emulate them and put up their own vids without knowing if their recipes would taste any good. I think they would just pick some random recipe, went grocery shopping, and made the vid almost like copying and pasting. I think most of them just want their face on YouTube and not really caring if their recipes would taste any good. So I gave up on that too.
So I ended up deciding that I would just follow my own instincts, you know like Luke SkyWalker. I've nailed down to a few my go-to recipes that I've developed over the years so at least I don't hate my cooking anymore. Now I have a bunch of healthy recipes that I can use. I actually enjoy my cookings more now than restaurant foods. The only problem now is I still can't make my own beers or wines. Well you can't have everything I guess.
Damn, I thought that I would just cook like the guy in Kitchen Nightmares by just watching his vids lols.
So what's that has to do with time phase coherent? I am not telling until I am properly wined and dined as one of my dates once told me. :-)
All drivers moving in perfect unison.... when one driver starts moving outward, all drivers move outward at the same time, when it comes back, all drivers move back at the same time.Physically is it possible? For example, the woofer flapping at 70Hz, the tweeter flapping at 7KHz. For every woofer moving forward and back, the tweeter is moving 700 time back and forth, so it's not possible right?
One reason that a single driver does so many things right is that there are no phase issues.That's not entirely true. A driver may have different phase shift at different frequencies. For example, a driver may have a relative phase of 10deg at 700Hz, but at 7KHz, it may have phase shift of 80 degrees. Not to mention different parts of the driver may not moving "at the same time".
Anyway, I spent too much time watching cooking vids to have time for time-phase coherent stuffs ... hahahahaha