Jeff Rowland Model 1

Came across this little beauty at a used stereo store. Should I pick it up? I am on a strict budget just starting a new system. The seller wants 900 bucks. Any thoughts on this amp?
There is a authorized MAC repair shop where I live with TONS of vintage used stuff for sale. I have seen a few HARMON KARDON amps there. I will check them out. They are a lot less money than the ROWLAND and maybe sound as good. 


Here is another person who buys and sells vintage gear that I emailed today to ask the same question:

Hard to remember I sold both of them a year or two ago. Got $1000 for the Rowland, $750 for the H/K.  The Rowland wins hands down in looks. It also may have a little bigger soundstage but difficult to work on and repair.  The HK was tough to beat for overall bass and musicality.  Also easier to upgrade and work on.

I hope this is helpful.

@bigkidz  There is something else that perhaps you are missing. With the JR if there is a problem, all one has to do is to send the amp back to the factory and it can be repaired. ( many times also upgraded). I had a small issue with my model 8, so I returned it to the factory and Jeff himself worked on the amp ( and did several updates and mods). Can you say the same thing about an old HK amp? There you are at the mercy of your local tech...need I say more! 


The HK circuit can be worked on by anyone with an electronics background.  The JR needs the modules.  When I sent mine back, it came back to me as non-working and I had to send it back again.  I have no skin in this game other then my own experience.  I have personally met JR and he is a nice guy.  To me both amps are great for the used prices. I can upgrade the HK easier that the JR but that is just me, the OP may do what ever he feels he wants to do as all of this is just the opinion of each of us and I don't think he can go wrong either way.  Happy Listening.

I think some vintage gear sounds fantastic still even among the newer stuff out there in similar price ranges. I also think looks is something that effects our ownership when we have it. Not needed but it does effect it. 
Now I have had the Rowland model 1. I have been around a lot of Rowland stuff. It isn't bullit proof but close.  In amps the model 5 is my favorite all around, recongnizing it is a little soft but that can be dealt with pretty easy.
It depends on your system, but a couple of amps that were a good but a little different sounding to me were the sumo polaris solid state and the muse solid state amps. Both can be worked on by most capable tech's. And personally the sumo is so very good sounding to me I liked it better than the model 1 and most anything else in it's time for the price and well above it's price.   I liked the ARC classic 60 and 30 better in some ways though back then. But I was trying to stay away from tubes. And bettingeraudiodesign can still keep the sumo stuff going if needed.