Soulution or CH Precision


I am looking for my next ( and “final”. Nothing is definitive in audio but let’s say long term buy) .
For many different reasons ( including listening session of course) those two brands are the favourite ones but I can’t decide between both. To be more specific: L1+X1+M1.1 for CH P or 725/711 for Soulution.
 Speakers: YG or Magico.
 Music taste: very versatile 

 So far i have a slight preference for the Soulution pre and the CH P power amp...
CH P is more versatile and upgradeable, Soulution is a bit more fuller sound....

Did anyone compare those two brands/models?

i play in that sandbox too; ultra uber Swiss solid state.

if you read the current Stereophile you will read about the new darTZeel 468 mono block amplifiers and 18NS preamp, and the CH P M1.1’s are contrasted.

compared to the CH-P M1.1 you mention the Soulution is a bit more fuller sound, the darTZeel is that direction, but even a bit more subtle and refined.

i own the dart 458 amps-18NS pre and really love that combo. i’m hearing music and not a system or electronics.

at this level it’s preference and not good and bad choices. i figured that review might be helpful. not seen any CH-P--Soulution compare.
Christian Punter at Hifi Advice uses CH Precision as his reference and has reviewed Solution and compared the two. I find his reviews very thorough and helpful.
Thanks for your answers. Indeed Dartzeel is not a brand I put on my radar yet as it is not easy to demo where I live and as I like dynamics and fast transient was not too sure it was meeting the requirement ( I mean their stereo amp not their mono)