Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Slaw et al

I know you think I turn over my equipment too rapidly but I do have my reasons ( to me at least).

I know EXACTLY the sound I like and am looking for/require and if a new piece is not even close then I am just not going to waste any of my time trying to make it so. Now if it is close then yes I will tweak away to see if the golden egg is there, often times not but I will try.

Now the sound I am looking for is probably not what others are seeking and that is fine, at my stage and time of life the only thing that matters is , do I like the sound in my room, period.

I truly do not care if some others may consider it too warm or not accurate or too false a soundstage (  just examples, not saying that is what I have!).

Its my room, my music and my ears.

So tbh the Chinook has never really grabbed me, not quite what I wanted but I worked with it.
The phonomena on the other hand was a near instant fit and a few simple tweaks have brought it even closer to "ubervana".

I have a number of carts premounted on headshells and aligned so simple quick changes are achieved with just a balance of vtf and a tweak of vta, both very easily done on the micro seiki arm.

I am VERY close to total musicality from my system for my ears and that is ALL that matters.

As you say time is short and precious and when I get home to relax I do not want to be messing with anything, just play and go.

Hope that makes some sense...…...

That makes perfect sense...really what I was saying.

Love you, brother.
Other than memories of system configurations and live shows, your current personal system configuration IS your reference. I’m sorry but, that doesn’t cut it my friend. While I’ve been following you, you’re system has changed more times than I can count. At some point, one should settle on a musical component that satisfies. Then build a system around that crucial system component. You have yet to do that. It seems that you’re hooked on the possibilities rather than what really matters.
Your journey is valid and fun to read but in the end leads to nowhere because there is not one, system component that you refer to. That component should be a speaker, IMO.
My brother...I care......that is why I posted this.