Budget Tube Amp (newbie)

I'm new to tube amps. I need some advice as to a good budget tube amp with good bass that will push my large Advent speakers. Please keep in mind that I don't know anything about tube amps and don't want to pull the trigger until I can get some advice. I'm new to the Forum. Many thanks from an old guy.
Best regards,
Old iron IS better than new iron.
Old iron is frequently cheaper than new iron.

Quad II sounds much better than Citation II
I never thought so, but I don’t like Welch’s & ethanol either. IMO, the CII is more coherent from the low mids on down while the QII were somewhat confused in the systems in which I heard them.

In tube sound, the warmth you like is supplied most by a tube preamp.
No it’s not. In all cases, the entire system contributes to the final sound. A nice tube preamp is not going to help a system with a Zippo 250 SS amp and EarBleed speakers wired with HFXtreme cables. A tube amp may be more/less intolerant of cable/LS.

Systems are built with ’recipes’, all little of this, all little of that to achieve a good balance and just like pudding is all in the eating, amps are all in the hearing.

I greatly prefer a good single malt, hopefully an isle of Islay, to Welch's and ethanol.
At least I think I do.

I've never tried the latter.
We definitely agree on the Islay.
Best I ever had was a 30 year old Ardbeg distilled in 1972.
While I'm more in the Bowmore camp than Ardbeg, they're not world's apart at all. Very cool.
You can buy for cheap old counterpoint SA-12 or SA-100 hybrid amps and even get an SA-1000 or SA-2000 preamp to match for around $1K on eBay.  PLUS they can be upgraded to compete with some current models amps today when you are ready.

Happy Listening.