Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.
Regarding Hegel H200 vs H300, it's possible that a much better external DAC was used for the H200 over the H300's internal DAC. Thus the preference of the less expensive model over the more expensive one. Not saying price is always the determining factor but just want to explore the plausible explanations. I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say because I currently have the H100 and actively looking to move up. Thanks for your comments.
Hegel 300 vs 300
The 300 has a bit more resolution and air on top,and Very neutral
Sounding ,compared to the 200 a bit on the thin side.the 200
Sounds like a high end Vacuum tube amp with snap and detail and warmer fuller sounding.
Very system dependent on cables, speakers, and source components.
They are both very good just a bit different, that is why how neutral,
Or full sounding the rest of your system is will dictate your purchase .
Just found a mint 1974 Marantz Japanese model and am blown away at the musicality of the sound. Had the boards re-soldered and new caps put in. Japanese electronics like Sansui and Marantz are second to none. I only see Luxman building this quality stuff any more.
Styxtrekr, I knew that the Exemplar Exception integrated amp would be at the RMAF but just learned that the page is complete now.