Cryogenically treated cables

There are more and more cable manufactures treating there cables now. Some offer this service for a fair price.
I was thinking of getting all my IC, Speaker and PC treated along with the Power condintioner.
Can anyone give me a before and after sonic description of the cryogenically process.
You say stubborn, I say not gullible.

geoffkait17,965 posts11-04-2019 12:03pmI have 30 minutes to edit my posts. I sometimes take all 30. It would be wise to wait the customary 30 minutes before responding. Besides, you recent spate of responses has taken the tone of a stubborn pseudo skeptic. You need to open your mind but mYbe not so open that your brain falls out. That’s messy and hard to clean up.

You say not gullible, I say pseudo scientist. You’re also stubborn for not letting me finish editing my posts. That’s rude, dude!
The gullibility wording thing, as a way of tied to the engineering maxim of negative proofing.

Negative proofing belongs to the engineering mindset and mental type ---and engineering is very much ---not science.

Negative Proofing is very much a expression of the underlying aspect of engineering which is purely, intentionally -dogmatic. Dogmatism is all about ensuring that the future is the same as the past, and so on, re the nature of dogmatism as expressed throughout the ages. This is an excellent choice for what engineering is intended as and meant for. Engineering is for making, not exploring.

This is science. Exploration. (no facts, only theory)

So drop the gullibility horsemanure.......

You say stubborn, I say not gullible."

Those who have attained rigid, absolute, unqualified beliefs often resort to claims of superior knowledge, education, and/or experience to justify, rationalize and defend they're beliefs which in fact are only beliefs and the refusal to entertain, consider, or even evaluate competing theories without resorting to insult, innuendo, and self-important proclamations reveal that underlying the "reason" is really "Faith".
If you cannot collect your thoughts before attempting to put them down into words, maybe it is the thoughts that are at issue?
Pseudo science is making claims, that you are not able to back up with anything approaching typical standards for evidence, then claiming everyone who disagrees with you is lying, stubborn, "does not understand", etc., and yet never actually addressing any argument presented against your case.
I am still .... after what ... 5 or 6 posts, waiting for anything at all that is not ad-hoc to support your position and/or make anything other than a straw-man against what I have posted.
It is rather funny, as the pile-on that is starting is just more of the same ... ad-homs, straw-mans, etc.  .... but no one actually putting forth anything beyond ad-hoc evidence and no one addressing arguments .... that would be poster child activity for pseudo science.

geoffkait17,968 posts11-04-2019 12:10pmYou say not gullible, I say pseudo scientist. You’re also stubborn for not letting me finish editing my posts. That’s rude, dude!