Perfect Path Tecnologies ‘The Gate’

Having been a music lover and audio enthusiast for more decades than I care to admit to I’ve had the privilege of owning some tremendous components over those years and thought I had attained a level of musical enjoyment that would be difficult to improve upon without spending more money than I could afford. Then along came The Gate to turn my audio conceptions on end. 

While I was quite skeptical of all of the positive proclamations regarding the Perfect Path mats, cards and contact enhancer ( how could they possibly bring about such sonic improvements?) I took the plunge and purchased a nano bundle to see what the hubbub was all about. Much to my surprise they not only brought about improvements to my systems’ ability to recreate a more musical sound but did so in spades. 

When Tim of Perfect Path Technologies asked if I wanted to try his new product, The Gate, I jumped at the chance thinking it would be a nice addition to what the other products provided. I wasn’t prepared for the quantum leap The Gate brought to my music listening pleasure. As much as the other products brought about a much lower noise floor, greater detail and delicacy, improved dynamics, richer tone and more realism The Gate does so in magnitudes difficult to describe. The best way I can describe its affect is unreal purity leading the most realistic musical sound I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.....outside of a live performance obviously. It has me listening to all of my CD’s as if for the first time again.

I have no idea how The Gate actually works or what it does I just know it’s the most dramatic tweak to my system I’ve ever experienced and I wouldn’t think of being without it. As to how it’s implemented, it’s installed in the electrical panel with one lead connected to the common buss and the other to a breaker ( preferably 220). Hope I got the terminology correct.....I’m far from being an electrician!

At $4,999.00 it’s not cheap but worth every penny to me as I’ve spent more on components with less sonic improvement. 

Lastly, I realize some will scoff at something they can’t understand and I get not understanding it as I don’t, but I would hope people could keep their skepticism healthy and civil. I am not here to promote or sell, nor do I have any affiliation with PPT. I am only sharing something that I’ve found to be transforming in my system. Sorry for the lengthy introduction.
Just came across this thread this morning and it is simply too long to read every comment
My question is; " has anyone compared the Gate to say, plugging ones components into a couple Li-Ion Yetis?
Oh I stand corrected OregonPapa,

The 3 people who spent $5,000 with barely any information claim to have "huge" improvements in their system one of them being you. So let me get this right, you have untold amount of expensive fuses, connector treatments, interconnects, wires, etc. ..... but the currently going for about $1000-1500 (tops) on the used market, approximately 20 year old speakers with 20 year old drivers are -not- a limiting factor in your system? Changing the binding posts and jumpers is not going to fix inherent limits in the driver technology of the time. Things have changed a lot since then and a simple fuse change is not going to change limitations in the drivers no matter how much you convince yourself. No matter what price they were built at, the present value is $1,000 - 1,500. If they were truly a cult item, the price would be higher. They are built to a price point, and with large cabinets and a lot of drivers, compromises had to be made. Magic beans. I saw the pictures of your room. A fuse would not be my first upgrade.

You have attacked people online for all matter of things, but mainly for disagreeing with you. You can try to label how you wish, but that is the gist. I can’t even read many of your posts because the threads have been shut down for excessive shilling. What am I supposed to think about that?

You claim the "gate" isn’t a mere accessory. Can you tell me what it is? The MFR claims passive PFC functionality. That implies capacitors across the line. There is also the claim of 3 stages of surge protection, but it cannot be damaged by lightning/etc. above. This unit connects across the AC lines. If you are clamping like this, to do an effective job, you must absorb energy, possible lots of it. The claim of "no damage" is questionable in that case. Maybe it is no damage for a certain level of surge, but there are no specifications on what that is. Has that surge capability been tested? It only connects neutral to 1 phase. What about the other phase?

Must have hit a nerve or two ... LMFAO.

Pretty pathetic when people resort to flagging posts that contain nothing but the truth and do NOT violate any forum rules.

Have at it children......
@atdavid I think there are a few more sales than that -- and in my system, with maybe a little more "up to date" speakers the Gate contributes a clearly positive improvement ...

I'm on record as being on the cynical side of the fence as it relates to PPT but in this case the "hype" is justified ... but on the other hand as my system contains loads of other voodoo tweaks you may choose to just ignore my perspective :-)