I am not starting to suspect, I know someone does not understand double blind testing ... well pretty much at all.
With a large group, double blind testing removes individual bias, and performance issues, especially since you can look at group data to determine if any individual performs significantly above average suggesting further investigation is warranted.
On an individual level, if your system or ears are not good enough ... well then double blind will prevent you from spending with your eyes on audio equipment, which is a fools path unless done knowingly, except for really cool looking turntables (which are art). You are not a fool are you geoff?
With a large group, double blind testing removes individual bias, and performance issues, especially since you can look at group data to determine if any individual performs significantly above average suggesting further investigation is warranted.
On an individual level, if your system or ears are not good enough ... well then double blind will prevent you from spending with your eyes on audio equipment, which is a fools path unless done knowingly, except for really cool looking turntables (which are art). You are not a fool are you geoff?