I suppose we are all deluded if we think our stereo sounds like anything other than what it is, a recreation of other people's musical creations in our homes in a manner that meets our needs and wants.
Mapman says the secret word(s) and wins $50.00!!! Sorry Groucho, wherever you are.
If it is not to bring us a more "lifelike" presentation, why do we do it ? The only delusion is when you think it is as good as live music, which it could never be
Mrdecibel- your use of quotes around "lifelike" speaks volumes. S'phile ran a column/editorial on this subject a year or 2 ago, ruminating on why it is that even from a distance, anyone w a passion for music can tell the difference between music actually being performed and music being reproduced. I have no idea why, but I know through experience that it is true. My wife and I drove up to a friend's backyard dinner party a few years ago and heard electric jazz guitar as soon as we got out of the car, on the street out front. I immediately said to my wife "cool, they have a live musician". My wife could not understand how I could tell, and I couldn't articulate it to her or to you, but I was 100% positive that it was not reproduced music. Obviously no imaging, or soundstaging, but there was not a question in my mind that it was not a recording, even though he was playing a hollow body electric guitar through a small amplifier at modest volume. What we hear at home is, at best, a "lifelike" simulation of a performance. The Audiogon community (for the most part) does not listen to wave radios (except for a few sinners...you know who you are!) because the equipment we use, as you said
"bring(s) us a more "lifelike" presentation"IMO, this doesn't denigrate the hobby or our passion; it just puts it into perspective.