It is highly system dependent. So it would be helpful to know your system. Having said that, it is best to try them (making sure they are broken in). Typically one would use the cable companies library to try them. Giving the budget nature of your search that doesn’t make sense.
In that case, all heavy copper will likely provide the best bass without increasing the detail (and perhaps being harsh).
all guesses. Best to try.
Do you really think that someone has auditioned three eBay cables and can tell you what to do?
I have my doubts regarding purchasing one cable, especially lower end cables and expecting a transformation of your sound.
I suspect that your issue may involve much more than a cable swap.
What do you mean by “depth of bass’? I gather that you like what you have except for the bass.
@marco777 - My experience with cables in a similar price range as you are looking at is that they provided no SQ impact versus stock cables.
@facten : +1! Forget power cords as tone controls! Get a pair of powered sub's instead for a real improvement in bass response!
I haven't heard any of the 3 cables indicated but I do have a fair amount of experience with Oyaide plugs, AC and XLR, and their outlets. If you're using stock cords, I can't imagine the Tunami wouldn't be a significant step up. They are quite affordable and come and go often on the audio markets. I say give one a try. If it doesn't suit you, then you could resell for close to what you paid.
Mind the plugs as much as the cords though as the plating can significantly affect the sound. I bought a large quanity of silver plated solid core copper wire years ago and the cords with gold plugs sound rather different to those with silver plugs or palladium plugs or rhodium plugs or platinum plugs...... you get the idea and you can mix and match plugs to achieve the sound you want.
If you don't mind a little DIY work, then I would suggest you buy the wire in bulk and experiment with plugs from Oyaide or Furutech. The IeGO plugs are also pretty good and more affordable except their totl 8095, which is solid silver with a rhodium plate.
JB71 must have slept in. It took him almost 13 hours...
@jerrybj : go ahead and laugh! At least I am not spending hundreds or thousands on power cords, fuses, ac outlets, cable risers and ac power conditioners.
I don't laugh at negative people.
My system is sounding superb.
How I or others spend their money is none of your business.
Those who pass judgement on others really deserve no respect at all.
JB71 must have slept in. It took him almost 13 hours...
😂. Yup, must be sleeping on the job. Typically the first to post (same usual Jason Bourne rhetoric) with a barrage of consecutive posts in every single cable thread. He missed this one.
Jb71, what is your malfunction? Every single cable post you feel the need to demonstrate your ignorance. You're not helpful. It's obnoxious. Knock it off.
Jb71, what is your malfunction?
Clearly some sort of childhood trauma associated with cables 😁
On a serious note, Jason Bourne is in a mission to destroy all cable discussions and exchange of ideas, burn it to the ground. It's his life goal, reason of being, for some strange motives the escape me.
It's ok to have a differing opinion, but not everyone is running an 80's PA amplifier with screws for speaker cables, an attached power cable and $20 blu-ray player.
Absolutely obnoxious.
I really don't understand why the mods put up with it.
There is zero value in anything the guy posts on here.
@jasonbourne71 - You shouldn’t have plused 1 me. I have found SQ benefits from quality power cords, my response to the OP was relative to my experience with low cost entry ones. That said your subwoofer recommendation might be just what the Op needs
@marco777 Marco the current top of the line Oyaide power cord is the Vondita.
An excellent cable, I have one powering my ethernet optical isolator.
Don't worry about Jason, ASR is quiet at the moment. He will return to his natural habitat shortly.
A much more apropos avatar, for the local, imaginary intelligence operative:

(SNORT of derision)
Personally, most people just don't want to hear anything negative about their purchases and most believe what they read about cables that they just have to sound better than those measly little stock ones, especially if they spend big money.
What JB said makes sense about the sub and would provide bass a lot more than any cable would.
Few things -
1. Be careful buying Furutech and Oyaide on ebay. Lots of fakes out there especially when it comes to Furutech.
2. The foundation of good bass is speakers, components and room acoustics. Replacing cheap power cables with other cheap power cables won’t give you what you want. Get your components and room acoustics done first then worry about cables.
3. Ignore @jasonbourne71 when it comes to cables.
Also, if you’re looking for people to make recommendations, it’s a good idea to list your components.
JB71 is not the only one at fault, all of you that he baits into commenting are equally at fault. Ignore them and it’s no longer fun, it happens on at least half of all on AG threads. Happy listening
I suggest that you make your own. Furutech FP - S055N cable with Furutech NCF rhodium connectors will help alot with your bass. It maybe a bit more pricey than what you were looking at, but will be much better.
@marco777 find a reliable distributor and buy bulk Furutech FPS-032n cable with Furutech F-11 (Cu) copper plugs. Terminate it yourself or pay the distributor to do it.
Or wait until an FPS-032n shows up on ebay.
I bought 2 SHUNYATA King Cobras PCs. Excellent for bass. But they are pretty rare and hard to find.
get the Oyiade, PCOCC single crystal wire is the best for audio that was proven 50 years ago and change everything else in your system to OCC single crystal as well it'll make a big difference.
@marco777 My only question is why your only source for cables is EBAY?
becouse on ebay you can buy used or DIY, For example for this DIY:
there is a formula: Money Back Guarantee.
and to be honest I don’t want invest too much for power cable becouse probably I need to purchase 2 cables: one for the source and the other for the amplifier.
My system is:
- Source: Marantz network player NA8005
- Amp: Arcam A32
- Speakers: DIY (built 15 years ago) but today I have order the components to upgrade the crossover (230 Euro). After this upgrade the frequency response will be more flat and the bass will be more deep.
The power cable is way to "complete" the upgrade in my system.
He next year I planning to upgrade my source with Marantz ND8006.
Would look at Shunyata Venom’s in your price range. has a 30 day trial policy to see how they work in your system. Shunyata has been my go-to for years because they make high-quality cables with different levels of noise filtering. I expect that you will hear a step-up with these.
For the record, I did not believe that PC s could make a difference until a buddy lent me some and I saw for myself.
JB71 is not the only one at fault, all of you that he baits into commenting are equally at fault. Ignore them and it’s no longer fun.
I have to disagree with you there. I've been in this game over 45 years, so no newbie.
Trolls like Mr71 will continue to post. I'm concerned that those new to the hobby will take their opinions and untruths seriously, and make mistakes they don't need to make.
I agree with that statement to some extent. I came here some time ago myself and have learned a TON of good information on these threads. I have also stopped reading certain threads (that probably had really good info), because the battles become unbearable; and I'm wasting my time reading a pissing match. I'm not trying to start anything for sure, but recently there has been more fighting and less conversation. Best listening to all
Audioquest Thunder is a nice cable. Lowered the noise floor on my system.
The OP used to be non believer of power cables, After demo he now understands cable make a difference? Why discourage him? OP call wisdom cable ask for Jim very knowledgeable, he own the company, He can guide you and give you a good deal as well. Try pc first , sub are tricky and they occupied too much space.Stick on power cable.
I personally have had good success with power cables over the years without breaking the bank
Over the last 10 years I've transitioned from stock, to PS Audio, to Audio Insight, to Morrow and most recently Puritan
Each step provided incremental SQ improvements and I may have $1500 invested to date
The Puritan was the biggest leap of improvement for me, by far
Here's some feedback from the distributor that I purchased the Puritan from
I probably told you about my client who replaced a $2,500 Shunyata power cable with the $230 Puritan Classic and said it was more open and detailed.
That caught my attention, over the years Shunyata has had some good press and customer testimonials
Lead me to find the investment of $230 as a low risk if I could obtain $2,500 return
I have not integrated the Puritan Classic yet but did replace the power cord on the power conditioner with the Puritan Ultimate
The Puritan Ultimate was single best $900 I've spent on my system in the last 5 years
I know it's a cable but the improvement has people asking what new piece of electronics have I added
Our respective mileage will vary and cables are very much different strokes for different folks, but my experiences with cables (speaker, power cords, interconnects) over the years have been VERY favorable - with all due respect to jasonbourne71
Enjoy the journey and the diversity of our different opinionn
| power cords has convinced/converted high end system audiophiles who generally were also electrical engineers who disputed the efficacy of differences in power cables on their systems once just one of GH's power cables were installed (on an amp typically). They purchase the full power cabling system after that trial.
I highly recommend that you Google Vogue Audio for all your Power Cables, XLR & RCA Interconnects, Speaker Cables, for Silver Audio Cables at reasonable prices! And every month they have Specials at 50% off their already reasonable priced Cables. This month is Power Cables, and Speaker Cables! That's Vogue Audio for all your Audiophile Silver Cable needs!
I highly recommend that you Google Vogue Audio for all your Power Cables, XLR & RCA Interconnects, Speaker Cables, for Silver Audio Cables at reasonable prices! And every month they have Specials at 50% off their already reasonable priced Cables. This month is Power Cables, and Speaker Cables! That's Vogue Audio for all your Audiophile Silver Cable needs!
This spring/summer I went through a herd of power cables. All price ranges and all types of technologies and wire topologies.
Surprisingly, cables like Signal Cable PC was very good for the money and did a nice job. I bought a pair of very old BMI Whale Elites and they are fantastic for their age. Well balanced. Older Elrods, about $400ish these days are good but the -3 was a little too heavy in the bass department versus the -2.
The standard Puritan is decent. Used NRG Godzilla The Five is a little heavy on the bass but for the price, especially used, pretty darned good.
I'm burning in a Wywires Platinum right now, but so far not impressed. More time is needed. The KS Elation is considerably better ($$$).
There are some nice PCs out there but the vast majority in my own experience, are all about the same. Neither fantastic nor duds. Just middle of the road.
So for cheap, used is the way to go and some of the better esoteric brands can be found at great deals here and on other sites in the price ranges mentioned above. Unfortunately, it takes buying and trying. Lots of time and (sometimes wasted) money to do so.